Closing the Loop Summer Assessment Grants

Programs are in the habit of collecting data according to an assessment plan. Collecting and analyzing data are the first steps in assessment. The next step is solving a problem revealed by assessment. Closing the loop is the practice of implementing change based on data collected through assessments. This grant is for faculty to develop, implement, and document an innovation in teaching, curriculum, advising, or other area that would positively impact student learning at the program level.

Grant goals:

  1. Support innovations that improve student achievement of program outcomes
  2. Improve the quality of program assessment.
  3. Spark new approaches to assessment.
  4. Improve faculty engagement in the assessment process.

To apply, faculty will:

  1. Attend an ITL workshop on Closing the Loop (March 19 or March 20) or consult with Michelle Byrne, UA Assessment Director, prior to application.
  2. Complete an online application.


  1. Grants for $500 for one faculty, $1,000 for faculty partners.
  2. Grants can be within a single department or a collaboration between departments or other units (library, tutoring center, etc).
  3. Grants require the participation of at least one full-time faculty member.
  4. Grant must focus on an area of concern identified by program faculty.
  5. Grant must address a program level outcome.
  6. Grants are intended to a catalyst, not a source of ongoing support.

Grant money can be used to fund:

  1. Development of assignment or assignment sequence.
  2. Development of supplemental course materials.
  3. Research and implementation of a new evidenced-based pedagogical strategy.
  4. Development of and training in assessment instruments: capstone experience, common exam, common rubric.
  5. Development of workshops or training for faculty.
  6. Development of and or implementation of a new assessment tool (standardized exam, external reviewers).
  7. Other clearly identified closing-the-loop activities.

Grant money cannot be used to fund:

  1. Travel
  2. Developing assessment plans
  3. Revising learning outcomes
  4. Writing assessment reports
  5. Ongoing evaluation of student work
  6. Cost for external licenses, fees, etc.

Grantees will be expected to:

  1. Implement the change in AY 2019-20
  2. Assess the change and include as part of the Fall 2020 assessment report.
  3. Share the project with colleagues in and across departments.
  4. Give a brief ITL presentation in spring 2020 about the project.

Grants will be awarded based on the following factors:

  1. Clear statement of problem identified.
  2. Clear connection to program learning outcome.
  3. Evidence of the problem.
  4. Clear impact on student learning.
  5. Clearly defined measurements of success.
  6. Long term impact of change.
  7. Probability of success


  • ITL workshops: March 19 or 20
  • Proposals due: April 8
  • Awards granted: April 22

Apply online: Closing the Loop Summer Assessment Grant

Questions: Contact Michelle Byrne, or ext. 6062