
Dr. Peter Niewiarowski from UA’s Biomimicry Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) will be among several of our faculty presenting research and facilitating discussions during Biocene 2018: Innovation Inspired by Nature, Aug. 14-17. Previously named the Biomimicry Summit, this is the third annual bio-inspired symposium presented by the Ohio Aerospace Institute, Great Lakes Biomimicry and UA, in collaboration with NASA Glenn Research Center. Speakers, researchers and attendees from around the globe will gather in Cleveland to explore biomimicry-inspired technology.

This year’s theme focuses on how nature-inspired innovation is transforming the marketplace. Attendees will hear from thought leaders, cutting-edge manufacturers, educators and experts in biology, engineering, design and organizational development.

The keynote panel discussion on Aug. 15 will explore the on-the-ground experiences of three companies that have employed biomimicry to enhance their innovation. Steve Percy, former chairman and CEO of BP America will lead a conversation with Owens Corning, Lubrizol and GOJO Industries to uncover and explain the discoveries, challenges and perspective-changing results of looking to nature for inspiration. Many of these companies are current or previous sponsors of graduate students in our Biomimicry Fellowship Program, arranged in partnership with Great Lakes Biomimicry.

UA presenters and their topics include:

  • “Biomimicry: What’s in your R&D?,” Dr. Peter Niewiarowski, professor of biology
  •  “Animal Engineering,” Dr. Hunter King, assistant professor in polymer science
  • “Impact of Biological Analogies on Creativity of Business Professionals,” Dr. Emily Kennedy, UA’s first Ph.D. graduate specializing in biomimicry and current director BRIC external relations
  • “Art Approaches to Bio-inspired Design,” Markus Vogl, associate professor in graphic design at the Myers School of Art
  • “Bio-inspired Augmented Reality for Astronaut Extra Vehicular Activity,” Dr. Shiva Sastry, associate professor in electrical and computer engineering.

Source: University of Akron Digest