Akron Regional Science Olympiad
March 8, 2025

- Currently scheduled for Saturday, March 8th, 2025.
- This will be an in-person traditional tournament.
We're Running 46 Events
For more information and descriptions of Science Olympiad events, please visit the following links:
Event Supervisor Volunteers, Test Writers, Proctors
Event supervisors write the test, and/or lead the device testing. They are responsible for fair play and accurate scoring and results.
On Event Day:
- Knowledge tests will be administered in person. Supervisors or proctors open the event, observe and answer questions. Supervisors/proctors will do the final grading and upload results to the scoring system.
- Build events will be evaluated in person.
Event Supervisors and Supervisors-in-Training Sign Up:
Volunteers - Event Day and Event Set-up
Visit this page to sign up online to volunteer: https://scilympiad.com/uakron/Volunteer/VolOps
- Personlized certificate of volunteers hours provided.
- Despite our enthusiasm for Science and other STEM topics, you don't need to be a science expert to contribute and have fun as a volunteer.
- In the weeks prior, we need online help building online tests from Event Supervisor test documents.
Volunteer Sign Up:
- If you'd like to sign up to volunteer at this year's event, please click on the following link and complete the form:
Back to the Science Olympiad Home Page
Please contact us at ARSciOly@uakron.edu for more information.