University Council

The UC will operate under the principles of consultative decision-making whereby the opinion and advice of the UC membership are sought, but where decision-making authority remains with the Board of Trustees and its appointed agent, the University President.  The UC provides the integrated framework for both strategic and ongoing planning, decision-making and oversight of the University's strategic plan.  It helps to ensure that the goals and objectives of the strategic plan are realized.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for agenda-setting and coordination of the work of University Council to facilitate deliberation, communication and action. The Executive Committee is comprised of eight voting members of the UC, with the senior vice president and provost serving as an ex officio non-voting member.


    • John Wiencek, EVP/Provost
    • Tonia Ferrell, Chair
    • Nate Meeker, Vice Chair
    • Kris Kraft, Secretary
    • Ed Evans, Faculty Senate Representative
    • Blair Everett, SEAC Representative
    • Tracie Epner, SEAC Representative
    • Grace DeWitt, USG Representative
    • Megan Frey, GSG Representative

Meeting Calendar:

    • Tuesday, August 21, 2024   3-30-4:30 p.m., Microsoft Teams
    • Tuesday, September 24, 2024   3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Microsoft Teams
    • Tuesday, October 22, 2024,   3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Microsoft Teams

Standing Committees

The eight standing committees are each comprised of 12 elected members and an appointed administrator. The standing committees provide recommendations to the University Council for action on policy, operations, organization and other matters related to the committee domain.  To submit a committee report click here.

ad hoc Committees