Information for Poster Presentations:

  • Plan to arrive at least ten minutes in advance of your scheduled session!
  • Dress appropriately for the occasion (business or business casual) but remember to wear comfortable shoes.
  • You will be spending a substantial amount of time on your feet.
  • Arrive at the session during your designated set up time to prepare.
  • You must remain with your poster for the entire session period.

Poster Format

Examples: 1 2 3

Plan to use the pliable, laminated, 4 x 4, printed poster which you will hang with push-pins onto large flex screens supplied by UASIS. Your poster (all headlines, text, etc.) should be readable from 3 feet away.

Please note:

  • Foam board and trifold presentations will not be accepted
  • *Please adhere to the size requirements due to limited available space.


Use a clear, traditional font. "Fancy" fonts are inappropriate because they make your poster difficult to read. Headings should be consistently styled, whether in all caps or initial caps, boldface or underlined, flush left or centered. Choose one style and be consistent throughout the poster. Use the headings appropriate to your discipline/research (such as introduction, methods, results, and conclusion).

Information for Oral Presentations:

  • Dress appropriately (business or business casual) and comfortably.
  • Equipment will be made available based on what was indicated on your registration form. Laptops and projectors will be available in addition to dry erase boards.
  • Please plan to arrive to the room at least ten minutes in advance of your scheduled session. All presentations are moderated by a session facilitator, who will announce each presenter and serve as time-keeper. When the time arrives for your presentation to begin, the session timekeeper will announce your name and you may begin your presentation. You must remain for the entire session.
  • Please be aware of your 15-minute time limit. The session facilitator will not allow you to go beyond this time-limit, in fairness to all presenters. Again, due to the number of presenters, and tight schedule, we must remain on schedule throughout presentations. You can ask the session facilitator to signal you, for example, when you have five minutes left, if you like.
  • Consider allocating time out of your 15-minutes for questions from the audience. Because of the tight schedule, you will not be able to solicit questions after your 15-minutes are through. You may be able to answer additional questions individually following your presentation.
  • Remember to smile.