School of Law

Spring Semester 2013
Course, Casebook, and Assignment Listing Classes begin January 14, 2013

9200:620-004 LARW II

Req: The Board of Student Advisors Harvard Law School, Introduction to Advocacy: Research, Writing and Argument, 7th ed., Foundation Press, 9781587784194


1. Read materials for Appellate Problem posted on Springboard (after January 3).
2. Read Two Versions of the Same Story: Safford v. Redding (on Springboard).
3. After reading both versions, consider the following:
* Who or what is the focus version one?
* Who or what is the focus version two?
* In what ways is the school sympathetic?
* In what ways is the student sympathetic?
* What is the theme (the overarching, seemingly universal plight that the story is about) of each
statement of the case?
* How are the statements of the case different? Consider what facts are emphasized or omitted in
each version.
* Which statement of the case did you find more persuasive? Why?

9200:688-803 Legal Drafting

Req: Dunnewold, Mary, Judicial Clerkship: A Practical Guide, Carolina Academic Press, 9781594606410


1. Read the factual record and materials (posted on Springboard after January 3rd).
2. Read John B. Nesbitt, The Role of Trial Court Opinions in the Judicial Process, 75 N.Y. St. BJ. 39
(September 2003) (posted on Springboard)
3. Read James Boyd White, What's An Opinion For?, 62 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1363 (1995) (posted on