School of Law

Spring Semester 2015
Course, Casebook, and Assignment Listing Classes begin January 12, 2015

9200:604-002 Huhn Constitutional Law II

Same as Fall 2014


The Springboard website for Constitutional Law II is open! The first assignment for class is as follows:

1. Watch the video lecture on The State Action Doctrine at:

2. Take Quiz 1: The State Action Doctrine.

3. Study pp. 321-344 in the textbook.


This assignment will be a typical one -- you will watch a recorded lecture, take a quiz, and read the cases in the textbook. The quizzes are required but they are not competitively graded. You will receive credit for listening to the lecture and taking the quiz before class -- 10 points toward the final grade for all the quizzes, or about 1/4 of a point per quiz. During class we'll discuss the assigned cases as well as other cases that are pending in the United States Supreme Court.

The first few lessons on Springboard are ready but I am still working on the later ones.

I hope you are all having a great winter break - see you all on January 12th.

9200:684-805 Huhn Adv. Constitutional Law

Req: Materials available on Springboard




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