Richard J. Kovach


Richard J. Kovach became the first C. Blake McDowell, Jr. Professor of Law for excellence in teaching and research at The University of Akron School of Law in 1998. Previously, he was named a faculty honoree at the University's Board of Trustees Recognition Program for "exceptional capacity for high-quality teaching, productive scholarship and dedicated service." He is a recipient of Akron Law's "Outstanding Professor of the Year" award, serves as an Intellectual Property Fellow, and is a member of the University's graduate faculty as a result of teaching Masters in Taxation students enrolled in the College of Business Administration. Since 1979, Professor Kovach has taught ten separate courses in federal taxation and five additional courses covering subjects that include business associations and estates and trusts. For several consecutive years, Professor Kovach has taught 21 semester hours annually. His published scholarship includes several articles that focus on various policy issues pertaining to federal taxation. Professor Kovach has substantial practice experience as a tax and business law attorney, and he has provided extensive pro bono assistance to members of the university community, as well as individuals and nonprofit organizations in the broader community. He received is A.B. from Oberlin College in 1970 and J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1974. Professor Kovach is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a 1970 Woodrow Wilson Designate.