UA Time & Attendance/Absence Management Project

At the direction of the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO, the University is implementing Workforce Software’s time & attendance and absence management solutions; which are collectively called EmpCenter.

EmpCenter helps automate the time and attendance processes at the university.  This will help to eliminate the manual time card process and uniformly apply attendance rules across the University. 

EmpCenter is also a robust application for automating the processes for planning, tracking, and compensating all forms of time off.

The project will start in February with the definition of the requirements for the system and project. After the requirements have been defined, a detailed timeline to implement will be defined and provided. However, all indications are the project would be completed in the third quarter of this year. Updates relating to the project’s progress and the expected timeline will be provided periodically.

For more information about Workforce Software, click here to visit their website.

If you have questions, contact the IT Help Desk at 330.972.6888

Pilot Testing Group

If you are participating in the pilot testing, you can report and track the issues you encounter here.
You will need to authenticate with your UANet ID.