Fire Safety Tips

  • Always evacuate for a fire alarm. You never know when it is a real fire.
  • If you don’t have a smoke alarm in your house or apartment, get one today! For the price of a pizza, you can save your life.
  • Do not disable a smoke alarm -- It can’t save your life if it can’t do its job!
  • Test smoke alarm batteries once a month.
  • Change smoke alarm batteries once a year.
  • Call 9-1-1 to report a fire AFTER you leave your house or apartment.
  • Check doors with the back of your hand before opening – if it is hot, go out a second way. If you can’t get out, call 911 and go to the window to wait for help.
  • Smoke inhalation is the most frequent cause of death in fires.
  • Do not run extension cords under carpets. They can become worn, damaged and then ignite the carpet on fire.
  • If you're cooking, don't use water on a grease fire. Cover it and smother it or use a fire extinguisher.
  • Learn how to use a fire extinguisher BEFORE the fire! If you aren’t sure, then close the door to the room as you leave and activate the building’s fire alarm or call 911 AFTER you get out.
  • If you are living off-campus, make sure your home has large address numbers on the front so the fire department can find your house.
  • Don’t overload an outlet with too many appliances, especially those that draw a lot of electricity.
  • Use a listed power strip to plug in several appliances, but don't overload the outlet!
    Don’t hang anything from the fire sprinkler head or the piping. You might accidentally set it off!
  • Don’t block the fire sprinkler head with furniture, curtains or tapestries. The water has to be able to get to the fire!

Electrical Fire Safety Tips

  • Routinely check your electrical appliances and wiring.
  • Frayed wires can cause fires. Replace all worn, old or damaged appliance cords immediately.
  • Use electrical extension cords wisely and do not overload them. Extension cords are NOT considered permanent wiring.
  • Never overload extension cords or wall sockets.
  • NFPA Code 70E, Section 420.7 (Extension Cords)

See for additional tips and fire protection information.