Part-Time Faculty Hiring

Forms and Resources

New Hire Process for Part-Time Faculty - Job Aid provides a step-by-step look at the hiring process for Part-Time Faculty.

Course Rank and Rate form is used to receive approval for the courses, credentials and rate of pay for Part-Time Faculty.

Offer Letter Template is used for all Part-Time Faculty job offers

Part-time Faculty Reappointment Process - Job Aid provides a step-by-step look at the reappointment process for Part-Time Faculty.

Part-time Teaching/Summer Session PAF

The Part-Time Teaching/Summer Sessions PAF is now used for:

  • Promotions
  • Odd date assignments (payments for activity that does not span the full fall or spring semesters, or summer session dates)
  • All non-teaching assignments (research, administrative, or other)
  • Amendments to fall, spring and summer assignments (data changes)

Part-time Reclassification Form

Instructions for Part-time Teaching/Summer Sessions PAF

Processing Odd Date Assignments

Odd Date Calendar

Sample PAFs

All newly hired Part-time Faculty, as well as those employees separated from the University for more than 12 months must complete the forms in the Hiring Forms Packet.

If a Part-time Faculty member is teaching in more than one department/college or has other University employment, please submit the completed Notification of Other University Assignments form to the Dean's Office associated with the department/college of the secondary teaching assignment.

The Reasonable Assurance Memo must be distributed prior to the end of the current semester.  Review the Reasonable Assurance Policy Information for additional information.