In recent years, college students consistently identify stress and anxiety as the most significant impediments to their academic success. 

Definition of stress:  Body's response to  situations that are new, unpleasant or perceived as threats.

Signs of stress may include

  • Physical:  Increased muscle tension, faster heartbeat or rate of breathing, headache and fatigue.
  • Emotional:  Irritability, anxiety, anger and depression
  • Behavioral:  Quick temper, concentration problems, isolation from others, appetite and sleep pattern changes, increased use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

Not all stress is bad.  In fact the adrenalin surge that accompanies the stress response can increase energy.  However, increased levels of stress that last too long can cause or make existing health problems worse.  These include high blood pressure, fatigue, chronic pain, diabetes, anxiety and depression.

Properly managing stress has a number of benefits such as:

  • Illness prevention
  • Increased sense of wellbeing and relaxation
  • A more joyful life

Should you find yourself experiencing any of the signs of stress listed above, it is important that you seek assistance in learning how to better manage your stress levels.  Some helpful resources for assistance with stress management include:

  • Additional online information and resources for stress management here...
  • UA Counseling Center in Simmons Hall, Rm. 306., 330-972-7082
  • Clinic for Individual and Family Counseling, C. P. Cornelia Chima Family Center, 2nd Floor, 330-972-6822
  • Student Health Services, SRWC , Suite 260, 330-972-7808
  • Meditation and guided imagery are relaxation techniques that help many people manage their stress levels.