The Cathryn C. Taliaferro Shakespeare Essay Prize 

The Shakespeare Essay Prize recognizes undergraduate and graduate students for Shakespeare papers written in the last two years for a UA Department of English course.


TBD, but historically:

One graduate prize: $150
One undergraduate prize: $150

Who can enter:

Competition for the award is open to all UA undergraduate and graduate students.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a copy of a Shakespeare paper written in the last two years for a UA English department course.
  • All submissions must be in MLA documentation style and include a Works Cited page.
  • Include your name, student ID number, UA email address, instructor’s name, class name, course number, and the date the paper was originally submitted to the class.
  • The essay must be double-spaced in 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman.
  • Save the title of your document in “LAST NAME-Award Title” format (for example, SMITH-Shakespeare Prize).
  • Upload your document in PDF form.
  • The submission link will become available in February 2025.


Shakespeare in the Spring Patrons

Our long-time very generous patron of Shakespeare in the Spring, Mrs. Cathryn Carroll Taliaferro, passed away in May 2005. An endowment from her will allow us to continue the Annual Shakespeare Essay Prize Contest.

However, the English Department's Annual Shakespeare in the Spring festival can continue only if one or more sponsors from the community will soon step forward to fund this important, sure-to-be-missed, popular Shakespeare event.

If you would like to help ensure that the annual Shakespeare in the Spring festival continues, please contact Dr. Hillary at The University of Akron's English Department. (330-972-7470); email: