Cost of attendance estimates for 2022-23

We are glad you asked! Cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate that includes all expenses to attend UA for one year, not just expenses paid to the University. The Office of Financial Aid uses COA to determine the maximum amount of financial aid you can receive in an academic year.

The COA is made up of your actual costs, billed by UA's Office of Student Accounts in late July, and the estimated expenses related to your education. UA won't bill you for these expenses, but you have financial aid eligibility available to you to finance them, if needed. (For example, students who commute from home with their parents or from an apartment have costs related to those living expenses, but they will not be billed to the student by UA.)

In the tables below, we have posted estimated costs for attending UA for in summer 2021, fall 2021 and/or spring 2022.

Diagram showing the elements that are part of Cost of Attendance. They are listed in the tables below.

2022-23 cost of attendance figures

The Office of Student Financial Aid will use the following figures for students starting at UA in the summer 2022, fall 2022 or spring 2023. The financial aid offer you receive is based on these figures.

Your actual charges will vary based on:


For state residents

The estimates in the table below are for Ohio residents who will live on campus.

Tuition and fees $12,090
Room and board $10,590
Total $26,02
Other estimated costs
Books and supplies $1,000
Transportation $1,000
Personal expenses $1,520


For state residents

The estimates in the table below are for Ohio residents who will live off-campus, with parents.

Tuition and fees $12,078
Room and board $6,480
Total $22,624
Other estimated costs
Books and supplies $1,000
Transportation $1,600
Personal expenses $1,466


For out-of-state residents

The estimates in the table below are for non-residents who will live on campus.

Tuition and fees $15,500
Room and board $10,424
Total $29,444
Other estimated costs
Books and supplies $1,000
Transportation $1,000
Personal expenses $1,520

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