Psychology: About us

The Department of Psychology is located on the third floor of the College of Arts and Sciences Building.  All psychology faculty members and graduate students maintain offices and labs in this space, and there are additional meeting rooms available for a variety of educational, research and outreach purposes.

The department maintains three computer labs that are available for undergraduate and graduate students in Psychology. All labs have access to the internet. Supported throughout the labs are statistical packages which include SAS, SPSS, and MPlus.

In addition to the computer labs, a counseling clinic is maintained by the department and has videorecording capabilities for the study of counseling processes and outcomes. This clinic is free to university and community individuals and provides various types of vocational and psychological counseling.

Also, the department’s Center for Organizational Research (COR) engages in outreach to the greater Akron community and provides applied research experience for students. COR clients have included Goodyear, Right Management, Manpower, OMNOVA, Timken and many other regional and national agencies. Graduate students in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program are involved in many of the COR projects, with supervision by COR faculty members.

Additional facilities of the Psychology Department include: research areas for individual computer research and for small group behavior research, a Test Room where current and historical psychological testing materials are kept, an Undergraduate Advising Office for psychology students, a kitchen/mail room, small conference rooms that are also used for seminars and research, and an Honors Research Lab for students selected into the Psychology Honors Program which is equipped with laptop computers, keyboards, monitors and docking stations for data collection, analysis, and report writing.