The Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in the History of Psychology

11th Annual Benjamin Lecture

Save the Date: May 15, 2025

Check back soon for more information on the 11th Annual Benjamin Lecture.

About the Benjamin Lecture

Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr.

This lecture series honors Dr. Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr., an outstanding teacher, scholar, and researcher, whose work has contributed significantly to our understanding of psychology and its history.

The annual Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in the History of Psychology is hosted by the Cummings Center each year in May.

Past lectures are listed below. Click the links to access recordings of these lectures via the Cummings Center YouTube channel:

2024: Dr. Joseph E. Trimble, Tales from the Field: Principled Perspectives for Research with Indigenous Communities | (Download Lecture Handout)

2023: Dr. Rosie Phillips Davis, From Cradle to Chapter Three: The Impact of Poverty on My Life

2022: Dr. David B. Baker, Saving Time: The History of Psychology and the Human Experience

2021: Postponed due to COVID-19

2020: Postponed due to COVID-19

2019: Dr. Laura Stark, The Other Akron: Searching for the “Normal” Mind in Postwar America

2018: Dr. David G. Myers, Teaching Psychological Science in a Post-Truth Age

2017: Dr. Keith Humphreys, Alcoholics Anonymous and Psychology: A Long and Winding Road

2016: Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, How the Rest of the World See Us: The Mixed Perception of Psychological Science in the Public Eye

2015: Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, A Life in Memory

2014: Dr. Andrew Winston, The Explication of Evil: Psychologists and the Holocaust, 1945-1955

2013: Dr. Henry "Roddy" Roediger, Riddles of History: Sir Frederic Bartlett's Contributions to Memory Research and their Curious Reception