The Grunberg Lecture Series | Sixth Grunberg Lecture

April 23, 1993


Professor Robert Solow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nobel Prize winner in Economics, 1987
"How Low Can Unemployment Get?

The Nobel committee cited Professor Solow's work in identifying the factors important to economic growth. His work showed the significance of technological change in the growth process. Professor Solow specializes in macroeconomics, growth theory, and the theory of natural resource use. He has served as Senior Economist to the President's Council of Economic Advisers, has been a board member or adviser to the Public Interest Economics Center, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and the Sierra Club.

Some of the books for which he is most noted include Capital Theory and the Rate of Return (1963); Growth Theory: An Exposition (1970); Made in America: Regaining the productive Edge (1989, with M. Dertouzos, R. Lester and the MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity); and The Labor Market as a Social Institution (1990).

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