Test results and scoring

A score of Near Native Proficiency or High Pass certifies that the test-taker is proficient enough in oral English to provide classroom-related services at The University of Akron. Each graduate department assumes the responsibility for awarding teaching assistantships and for deciding what type of service an international teaching assistant will provide.
A score of Pass with Limitations indicates that the test taker has adequate proficiency to provide research or administrative support at The University Akron, but not enough to qualify for a teaching assistantship. The test taker can be tested again in six months and is eligible for teaching assistantship consideration in the semester immediately following the receipt of a High Pass or Near Native Proficiency score on the U-ADEPT.
A score of Inadequate Oral Proficiency or Lack of Oral Proficiency indicates that the test taker has not met the minimum English proficiency score for admission to the Graduate School at The University of Akron.

Description of Scoring Criteria

Near Native Proficiency
The speaker is near native in listening and speaking proficiency. They discuss a range of topics with clarity and ease and uses appropriate colloquial and idiomatic language and appropriate grammatical forms and functions. Communication breakdowns are rare.

High Pass
The speaker can handle any communicative situation and get their message across. Non-native pronunciation and intonation patterns do not impede comprehensibility. The speaker produces occasional errors in grammar forms and functions and in vocabulary choice. but none interferes with communication. When communication breakdowns occur, they are easily and successfully repaired.

Pass with Limitations
The speaker can handle most communicative situations with some difficulty. Pronunciation and intonation patterns may interfere with comprehensibility, but the speaker can compensate when difficulties arise. The speaker's use of grammar forms and functions and vocabulary are adequate, although not as well controlled, sophisticated, or varied as a speaker with a rating of High Pass. Communication breakdowns occur, but the speaker has repair strategics and can compensate adequately to convey the message. The speaker would benefit from additional time and exposure to English to improve proficiency in English.

Inadequate Oral Proficiency
The speaker has difficulty with some of the criteria above. Pronunciation, intonation, and grammar patterns interfere with comprehensibility, but with effort, the speaker is able to compensate for these difficulties and achieve a basic level of comprehensibility. The speaker would benefit from additional time and exposure to English to improve proficiency in English.

Lack of Oral Proficiency
The speaker has difficulty with some or all of the criteria listed above. Problems with listening, pronunciation, grammar, and/or word choice frequently interfere with the speaker's ability to convey ideas successfully; the delivery is halting. The speaker lacks the ability to compensate adequately when communication breaks down. The speaker needs more time and exposure to English to acquire better speaking skills and could benefit from training in oral communication.


Will be sent to the student, their department, and the graduate school at the same time three to five business days after completion of the test.