Messages to campus

Curtailment of Non-essential Spending

Sent to campus by Dr. Stephen Storck on April 27, 2020

As was noted in President Miller’s address to campus, the ongoing pandemic has resulted in significant reduction to the University’s revenues. The Governor’s Stay at Home Order has resulted in decreased expenditures during the past few weeks thereby helping to preserve University resources. We appreciate those savings and ask that you continue to suspend all non-essential spending as a means of helping to offset the loss of revenue. 

Essential Goods and Services

Essential spending is defined as the expenditure of University funds that are necessary to keep the University operating. Such expenditures include the payment of salaries, wages and payroll taxes; contractual obligations; utilities; and goods and services needed to maintain campus safety and comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations. Also included are supplies necessary for departments to fulfill their essential duties and responsibilities.

Non-essential expenditures are defined as goods and services that are not absolutely necessary to enable the University to operate while fulfilling its mission to educate students. Examples of non-essential expenditures include, but are not limited to, the procurement of supplies, goods and services not needed to perform essential functions as this fiscal year winds down.

Efforts should be made to reduce expenditures, where possible, such as the use of video and teleconferencing in place of travel even when the Stay at Home Order is lifted, and faculty and staff return to working from campus.

Approval Authorization

All expenditures of University funds must be ultimately approved by one of the following individuals: President, Provost, Interim Chief Financial Officer, Vice President or other senior administrator responsible for the division of the University that incurred the expense. Prior to that, individuals should continue to have all purchases approved by their supervisor. Please direct any questions about whether a purchase is considered an essential purchase to your immediate supervisor.

All IT purchases require prior approval from the Computer Store.

Purchasing Cards (PCards)

All purchases made via a PCard should first be approved by the cardholder’s supervisor. Any PCard used to make non-essential purchases will be suspended by the Purchasing Department.

Direct Pay Forms (sent directly to Accounts Payable)

As a reminder, you should not be paying out of pocket for essential goods and services. Any purchases paid by personal funds should first be approved by a supervisor. Any purchases that are deemed non-essential purchases may not be reimbursed by the Accounts Payable Department.