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Zips Activity Board (ZAB) is...

The Zips Activities Board is the major programming organization at UA that provides the campus community with a diversified selection of programs including educational, cultural, social, and recreational. ZAB promotes growth in leadership, enhancing the campus community, and excellence in programming through their executive board. In addition to the executive board, ZAB has an associate board, open to all students, to not only assist in the executive board's goals but also learn and grow from their experiences. Being part of ZAB enhances your collegiate experience through leadership opportunities, exciting possibilities, co-curricular engagement, and FUN!


Mission Statement:

We, the Zips Activities Board, recognize that student involvement is an integral part of a successful college experience. Therefore, we strive to create a space where students can engage with an inclusive, accommodating community that values each individual through enriched and diverse programming.

Vision Statement:

Our vision as the Zips Activities Board is to create more inclusive and engaging programs that foster meaningful connections with students. We are dedicated to intentionally designing our programs with the best interests of every student in mind, ensuring a vibrant and supportive community where everyone can thrive.

Office Location:

Student Union 1st Floor
Department of Student Life
Room 13

Contact ZAB:

Phone: 330-972-7014

Connect with ZAB:

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