Peace Circles Training

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“Circles bring us together to share who we are beyond our appearances. They’re places of listening – of hearing what it’s like to be someone else." - Kay Pranis, et al.

Peace Circles Trainings offered at the University of Akron are jointly sponsored by the Center for Family Studies and Peace, Justice, & Equality. The trainings prepare students and other interested individuals to serve as PeaceKeepers and conduct Peace Circles in their community.

What is Peace, Justice, & Equality?

Peace, Justice, & Equality is a program in collaboration with Summit County Juvenile Court with the purpose of addressing juvenile delinquency prevention and reducing the overrepresentation of youth of color in the juvenile justice system. One way the program accomplishes its goal is through the facilitation of Peace Circles.

What are Peace Circles?

Peace Circles are a community directed process in partnership with the juvenile justice system. It is a collaborative effort to address issues surrounding negative behavior and incidents of crime by youth.  “Circles” involve those harmed by crime and negative behavior, those who commit crime, and the community in order to determine the response that will best promote healing and safety for everyone.

Training Description and Objectives

The purpose of the event is to train University students and community members to become Peace Keepers and learn how you can conduct these Circles in your community or school. Participants will be trained in restorative justice principles and how to utilize these principles in a setting that creates mutual understanding and healing.

Date, Location, and Time

The date and location of the next Peace Circles Training is yet to be determined.


Those who are interested in becoming Peace Keepers need to commit to conducting one Circle a year. Those interested in participating in the training need to submit a Nomination Form. After submitting the Nomination Form, the participant needs to obtain a background check and attend an orientation that will be held prior to the training.

To download a copy of the Nomination Form, click here.