How do I know which version of Endpoint Encryption do I have installed?

The easiest way to tell which version of Endpoint Encryption you have installed is to look at the Pre-Boot login screen background and if the background color is blue then you are still running version 5.2.x. If the background color is gold then you are running Endpoint Encryption version 6.x.

How do I start the upgrade process from version 5.2.x to 6.2?

For PC users, in order to complete the upgrade you will go to the Windows Control Panel and click Run Advertised Programs and select McAfee Endpoint Encryption. This will start the upgrade process. It is important to follow all instructions from the installer. The upgrade process requires a reboot to complete the upgrade process. During this reboot you will still see the old Encryption login screen. This process can take approximately 30 minutes to complete the upgrade. You will know it has completed because the old Encryption Icon will have disappeared or if you reboot your machine you will see a new login screen with a gold background.

I have an Apple, How do I get Endpoint Encryption installed on my Apple

For the first time McAfee has offered Managed Native Encryption 1.0 for Apple computers. If you wish to be upgraded from a previous version of McAfee Endpoint Encryption for Mac to McAfee MNE which managed Apple integrated FileVault 2 whole disk encryption system, please open a ticket with the Zip Support Desk.

My password no longer works when I enter it?

Upgrading from version 5.2.x to 6.2 requires a reset of your encryption password. This initial password was published in the instructions given to you as a part of the installer. If you no longer have these instructions please contact the support desk and they will assist you with the initial password and help you get your new encryption password synced with your UANET account password.

Can I have encryption removed from my machine?

You can submit a encryption exemption request using the following URL a Footprints ticket will be created and the ITS Security Officer will review your case and if it is approved the ticket will be sent to the DTS group and they will assist you in unencrypting your machine.

What is self-recovery?

Self Recovery is a new feature of version 6.2. This allows user to answer questions similar to when they forget their bank site password. Examples of questions are "In what city or town was your first job?" etc. Part of the setup of self recovery you will be asked to select 5 questions from a pool of 10 and answer them. You will be required to answer all 5 questions in order to reset your Endpoint Encryption password. If you cannot remember your questions and answers you can call the support desk and have a ticket opened to reset these questions and answers. These questions were approved by the ITS Security Officer.