Student complaint resolution process

At The University of Akron, students have certain rights and responsibilities as stated in The University of Akron Bylaws (3359-42-01-C2, 3359-11-13, and 3359-41-01) and in the Student Code of Conduct.  Pursuant to these rights and responsibilities, the following policy sets forth procedures for students in the School of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology to follow in order to receive a fair hearing and equity in the resolution of complaints related to their affiliation with the School.  To expedite a resolution, the procedure is designed to be initiated at the level closest to the issue.  In many instances, the student will achieve this resolution through communication with a faculty member or program advisor.  However, other levels may be incrementally involved to assist the student.  To assure that a problem is fully explored, complaints that reach the School Director level are entered into a log and tracked through final disposition.

Level I: Program/Faculty Advisor

The appeal may be made verbally or in writing.

Seek resolution of a concern or complaint at the level of occurrence.  (Example: A course-related complaint [e.g., assignment, activity, or grade] must be discussed with the instructor prior to requesting intervention by a school director.)

Level II: School Director

The appeal must be made in writing using the Student Complaint Form.  Consider an initial resolution of a complaint at a level above the level of occurrence when there is concern with the potential for reprisal if resolution is attempted at the level of occurrence.  (Example:  If the student wishes clarification of his/her rights and fears reprisal if approaching the instructor directly with the complaint, initial inquiry can be made to the School Director.) 

Consider appealing the resolution to the complaint rendered at the level of occurrence.  (Example:  A student can provide documentation or information that significantly questions the appropriateness of the resolution at the level of occurrence and believes the complaint requires involvement of a neutral, third party.  In example #1 above, the student would appeal the decision made by the faculty member or advisor to the School Director.)

Level III: College Level – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

For an appeal to be addressed at this level, it must be accompanied by the completed Student Complaint Form, signed by the School Director.  At the College of Health Professions level, the final appeal resides with the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Consider an appeal to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs when documentation and factual information the student can provide directly contradict the appropriateness of the resolution of the complaint at the previous level.  The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs with the concurrence of the Dean may resolve the complaint or request that the complaint be referred to the College Grievance Committee.  (Example:  The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will review the appeal and enter into fact-finding before rendering a final decision or referring the appeal to the College Grievance Committee.  Decisions of the College Grievance Committee will be conveyed to the student by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.)

Level IV: University Level – Assistant Provost and Dean of Students

If the fairness of the action is still viewed by the student as unacceptable, the issue may, in most instances, be directed to the Senior Vice-President and Provost.  Complaints involving sexual harassment should follow specific procedures set forth in The University of Akron Bylaws section 3359-13.  Complaints evolving from serious student misconduct may be directed to the Assistant Provost and Dean of Students. 

Should the student desire, he/she may also contact

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA).

The CAA is obligated by federal regulations to review complaints it receives about any accredited program or program in candidacy status. A complaint process is also in place for considering complaints filed against the CAA. For additional information, please visit: 

To access the CAA Accreditation Handbook, please visit: 

Contact Information:

Chair, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2200 Research Boulevard, #310
Rockville, MD 20850
800-498-2071 Email: