Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist each other in our individual and collective efforts to develop the skills needed to transform divisive and harmful conflicts into opportunities to restore relationships and revitalize communities through mindful action and social entrepreneurship.

Our vision is to create communities where we can all participate in transforming conflicts by learning to reframe, see the spin, actively listen, problem solve,reject dualistic thinking, control our anger, love our neighbors as ourselves, restoratively fight for justice, appreciate and honor alternative perspectives and different conflict management styles.

Using concrete skills like these we can all learn to engage more productively in the conflicts of our era, to prevent conflicts upstream and reduce the harms associated with them downstream, to build and sustain resilient and compassionate organizations and communities capable of balancing unity and difference, civility and contestation.


Our goal is to assist you in better understanding the nature of conflict and the various ways we might transform, prevent, resolve, or reduce the harms associated with conflict—from interpersonal to international.

Get Started

To join the CCM community, fill out this form and return it to the CCM Director. Plan to meet with the Director to discuss the certificate as one of your first steps. You should bring a copy of the Add Certificate Form to this meeting so the Director can sign it, you can then bring it to your Advisor, and it can then be added to your DPR. You must demonstrate progress toward the completion of certificate classes to be considered part of our community and a candidate for scholarship funds.


We do not approve substitutions for the core class (3700:334). We will consider other course substitution requests on a case-by-case basis, though we strongly discourage more than one substitution. Substitutions must be approved by the Director.