American Politics Minor

The American Politics minor will introduce students to government, campaigns, and elections in the United States' political system.

In order for students to receive the American Politics minor, they must complete the following requirements, sign a contract with the department, and apply for the minor prior to Commencement.


POLIT:100     Government and Politics in the U.S.

Select 14 additional credits from the following:

POLIT:210     State and Local Government and Politics                             
POLIT:341     The American Congress                                                                                  
POLIT:350     The American Presidency                                                    
POLIT:360     The Judicial Process                                                            
POLIT:370     Public Administration:  Concepts and Practices                   
POLIT:395*   Internship in Government and Politics                               
POLIT:402     Politics and the Media                                                          
POLIT:440     Survey Research Methods                                                   
POLIT:470     Fundamentals of Political Strategy                                                     
POLIT:471     Fundamentals of Electoral Messaging                                                     
POLIT:472     Campaign Finance, Fundraising, and Budgeting                                                               
POLIT:474     Political Opinion, Behavior and Electoral Politics                
POLIT:475     American Interest Groups                                                    
POLIT:476     American Political Parties         

*A maximum of 3 credits of Internship may be applied to the minor degree.  

Descriptions for Political Science undergraduate classes.