Positive Corrective Action

The Positive Corrective Action Report form was created to assist supervisors in addressing performance and behavioral issues in a timely, professional and consistent manner. The form may be used to document a verbal warning or a written warning.

It is not necessary to use the Corrective Action Report Form to administer disciplinary action. Corrective Action may also be administered using a letter format. However, regardless of the format used, supervisors are required to document and discuss performance and behavioral issues with employees when they occur. In particular, at a minimum, the following points need to be concisely documented and then clearly discussed in private with the employee:

  • specific events and facts that led up to the corrective action
  • what is expected by the employee to improve
  • the consequences for not improving

  • The purpose of administering a corrective action is to formally notify the employee that he or she is not meeting attainable expectations and to give the employee an opportunity to improve. As a result, it is important for the supervisor to clearly identify the gap between what is expected and the actual performance / behavior exhibited.

    The Corrective Action Report should help the supervisor and employee focus on the specific problem(s). Ideally, if an environment of understanding has been established, the employee will renew his or her commitment to change and take responsibility for solving the problem.

    After administering corrective action, supervisors will need to continue monitoring the employee's performance and/or behavior. Supervisors need to be prepared to recognize significant improvements realized as well as discuss any ongoing deficiencies. Following-up with the employee sends a message that the supervisor is serious and cares about the employee's success. It also will increase the chances for improvement.

    If you have questions about administering Positive Corrective Action please contact Michelle Smith at 330-972-5146 or Emily Lenke at 330-972-6195.