Amy Carson
Title: Manager of Events, Scheduling, and Publicity
Dept/Program: School of Music
Office: GH 262
Phone: 330-972-8301
Amy Carson received her B.A. in Public Relations with a music minor in 2019 from The University of Akron. She went on to earn her M.A. in Arts Administration in 2021 from UA. During her time as a UA student, she was an active member in the UA Choral Program, UA Marching Band "Ohio's Pride," and the a cappella community. She performed as Zippy in the mascot program for two years during her undergraduate studies and made an appearance as Rubberta for the Rubber Ducks. She has performed with The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and Blossom Festival Chorus, and participated in several tours with the UA Choirs.
Amy has worked with various non-profit organizations both during and after her higher education studies, including Catch Meaning, Summit Choral Society, Camp Carl, and Cleo Parker Robinson Dance. She served as the music administrator for two years at Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy before returning to UA and the School of Music.
Always a lifelong Zip, Amy jumps at every opportunity to show her Blue and Gold pride and cheer on the Zips!