Frequently Asked Questions about the Counseling Psychology Program

For additional details regarding admission, please see the admission page


  • Is your program APA accredited?
    • Yes. Our counseling psychology program has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1990. Students graduating from this program are eligible for licensure as psychologists. (Note that some states require additional educational experiences beyond graduating from an APA-accredited program).
  •  Which faculty members are accepting students?
    • Students are accepted to our program as a whole, rather than to individual faculty members. As a result, applicants apply to the program, not to faculty members, and it is not necessary to contact faculty members to ask if they are taking students. However, we strongly encourage applicants to clearly specify their research and practical interests, their career goals, and which faculty member(s) they are most interested in working with when applying, as fit with our program is an important part of our consideration.
  • How many students are you accepting this year?
    • We typically accept four students. This occasionally changes due to the needs of the program or faculty (e.g., if a faculty member goes on sabbatical in the fall semester, they might not take a student that year).
  • What would make me a competitive candidate for this program?
    • We take a holistic approach when considering applications. This includes, but is not limited to, college GPA, research and practical experiences, letters of recommendation, stated career goals, stated interest in diversity and social justice (a program emphasis), and fit with the program and faculty interests. We do not have set cutoffs for any of these criteria.
  • Do I need to take the GRE or any GRE subject tests?
    • No. We currently neither require nor consider GRE or GRE subject test scores in our admissions process.
  • Can the application fee be waived?
    • Yes. The Graduate School does occasionally waived the application fee.
  • When will I know if I get an interview for the program?
    • We usually let students know near the end of January or early February.
  • When are interviews usually held? Are they held in-person or through videoconferencing?
    • Interviews are typically held on the second or third Friday and Monday of February. Applicants invited for an interview are given the choice of one of these two days to interview. Interviews are held through videoconferencing to facilitate applicants’ ability to attend. There is also an informal virtual “meet-and-greet” with current students the Thursday before interviews.
  • When are admission decisions made?
    • We typically make admission decisions within one week of completing interviews. However, as we also make assistantship offers at the same time as admission offers, it may take up to two weeks after interviews are completed for applicants to be notified of admission.
  • How are advisors assigned?
    • After we have a full cohort, we assign advisors based on interest and availability. Students in our program are welcome to work with different faculty members on research or other professional interests, regardless of which one is their formal advisor.
  • If I am accepted into the program, by when do I need to make a decision whether to accept the offer?
    • We adhere to the national deadline of April 15 or, when April 15 falls on a weekend, the Monday immediately after. Applicants offered admission must let us know by that date if they accept or decline the offer. We do not guarantee that any offers will be available after April 15.
  • Are offers of admission ever made after April 15?
    • Occasionally, if we have not filled our cohort by the April 15 deadline, offers might be made after the April 15 deadline. However, this only occurs in exceptional circumstances.
  • If I am accepted into the program, can I defer admission to the next year?
    • Except in extreme circumstances, we do not allow students to defer admission.

Assistantships and Finances

  • Do I have to apply for assistantships separately?
    • No. Students who are accepted to our program are offered full-time (20 hours per week) assistantship positions when admitted. Although assistantship assignments are tied to the university’s annual budget cycle, we have historically been able to offer five years of support.
  •  How much is the stipend?
    • First-year assistantships in the Department of Psychology are for teaching Introduction to Psychology. Although the exact stipend is determined annually based on the university’s budget, the stipend for a first-year teaching assistantship is approximately $14,000 for nine months. 
  • Do students get paid to see clients?
    • No. With few exceptions, practicum experiences are unpaid.
  • Are student fees included in the tuition waiver?
    • No. Students are responsible for their fees each semester.
  • How much are student fees?
    • Fees are based on the number of credit hours taken and typically range from $800 to $1,100 for Fall and Spring semesters. International students’ fees also include mandatory health insurance.
  • Does the university provide students with health insurance?
    • No. However, international students are required to purchase health insurance, which is part of their fees. 

 Master’s Degrees

  • Do I have to complete a master’s thesis if I already have a master's degree in a related field?
    • It depends. Students who have completed an empirically based master’s thesis can transfer it into our program and do not need to complete our thesis waiver project. Students who did not complete a master’s thesis, or who completed one that was not empirical (i.e., one that did not involve data collection, analysis, and results), will need to complete our thesis waiver project as part of our program.
  • Can I finish the program faster if I already have a master's degree in a related field?
    • Students with master’s degrees can transfer in select classes. However, with few exceptions, the program is the same length for students with bachelor’s and master’s degrees. This is primarily due to students gaining enough practicum hours to be competitive at internship sites.
  • Do students leave the program with both a master’s degree and a Ph.D.?
    • Students who do not yet have a master’s degree upon entering the program earn a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology on their way to earning their Ph.D.

International Students

  • Where can I receive information about application requirements for international students?
  • Is funding available for international students?
    • Yes. International students are eligible for the same assistantships as students from the United States. These include the same stipend and tuition waiver. Federal summer work study is not available for international students, although when possible, international students are offered funded summer work opportunities through the department.
  • Are there any requirements for assistantships that are unique to international students?
    • Most assistantships in the Department of Psychology are teaching assistantships, and these are the assistantships that are offered to incoming students. The university requires that international students score at least a 23 on the Speaking Section of the TOEFL or at least a 7 on the Speaking Section of the IELTS within the past two years in order to be offered a teaching assistantship. This is also a requirement of admission to our program (see separate document).
  • Are there any additional fees that are unique to international students?
    • Yes. International students at the university are required to purchase health insurance through the university, which is part of their semester fees. Students who are adequately covered by another insurance plan may request a waiver of the mandatory health insurance. See the International Center website for more information.

Contact Information

  • Where can I read more information about this program?
    • We highly encourage students to review our website: This website includes helpful information on different aspects of the program, such as our curriculum, internship and job placements, and outcomes.
  • Who should I contact with questions?
    • Please contact Dr. Ingrid Weigold, admissions coordinator for the program, at or 330-972-8156 (email preferred).
  • Are there any current students I can talk to about the program?
    • If you have specific questions for students, please contact Dr. Ingrid Weigold (see above point for contact information). She can put you in touch with a person who is best able to answer your questions.
  • Can I visit the university to meet with the faculty prior to applying?
    • Although you are welcome to stop by The University of Akron to look around, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate visits with faculty members prior to the interview process. This is due to the number of applications that we receive. However, if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ingrid Weigold (see above point for contact information).