Procurement Card Program
The purpose of this program is to provide The University of Akron employees with guidance and direction for proper use of PCard.
New Card Requests:
Please Email for new cards.
The University of Akron now issues 2 separate Credit Cards for University business purposes.

PCard (Procurement Card) is to be used for purchasing goods and services, such as lab or office supplies and maintenance needs. This card has a blue UA logo in the upper right corner and “Purchasing” on the side of the card.

THE-Card (Travel, Hospitality & Event Card) is to be used for purchasing items related to your business travel, hospitality type of purchases or event related items. This card has a gold University logo in the upper right corner and “Corporate” on the sided of the card
ALL transactions for either card, are to be reviewed by the cardholder within two weeks (14 calendar days) of the transaction appearing in Workday. Once reviewed by the cardholder, the transaction will be sent through to various Cost Center approvers who may send the transaction back for additional information or change of account. Cost Center managers are to review and approve or send back within 7 days of the transaction appearing in their inboxes.
Under our new Workday software, these transactions will NOT post to the appropriate cost center until reviewed by the cardholder and approved by the cost center managers; therefore, timely review and approval MUST occur for accurate expenditure tracking.
Pcard transactions are expected to be fully reconciled within 30 days of the transaction appearing in Workday. Failure for the cardholder or the approver(s) to clear transactions in a timely manner will result in the card being suspended. To remove the card from suspension, the cardholder must ensure their transactions are completely reconciled.
Resources & Information
PCard in Workday
- Basic Guide to Reconciling PCard Transactions in Workday
- Finding and Editing PCard Transactions in Workday
- PCard transactions $1000 and over: From Creating a Requisition to Reconciling the Transaction
THE-Card in Workday
PCard Policy and Procedure Manual
THE-Card Policy and Procedure Manual
Policies and guidelines
Gift Card Policy and Procedures
Restricted Usage
Restricted Vendors
Vendors are assigned a Merchant Category Code, or MCC, based on the type of business they operate.
Using these classifications, the P-Card is restricted for use with certain types of vendors. If the PCard is presented for payment to these vendors, authorization will be declined.
However, if a transaction within guidelines is declined, please call the Program Coordinator immediately to discuss the purchase.
Also note that many vendors who operate within acceptable MCC’s may sell some items restricted from purchase using the P-Card.
The message here is, even though an approved vendor sells it does not always mean the Cardholder will be able to buy it. Please reference the Restricted & Prohibited Items topic for a complete listing of restricted items.
If you believe your department has a unique purchasing need that cannot be met due to these restrictions, please contact the Program Coordinator prior to the purchase, as an exception may be approved.
Another restricted use of the P-Card is called Pyramiding, which is the use of multiple card transactions to make a purchase that would otherwise exceed your procurement card per transaction limit.
Pyramiding is not permitted.
For this discussion, important terms are transaction, transaction limit, and available credit.
To illustrate, here are two descriptions and examples of pyramiding:
First, is pyramiding charges, which is the use of multiple transactions to circumvent per transaction limits.
For example, someone with a $1,500 per transaction limit makes a purchase of $1,900 by requesting the vendor process one transaction for $1,500 and another transaction for $400, to circumvent the $1,500 per transaction limit.
Note that the practice of pyramiding is considered in play whether a transaction is for several items or just one item.
Second, pyramiding orders: is the use of multiple installment payments to circumvent a transaction limit. More specifically, pyramiding an order is a sequence of 3 behaviors:
- First, the purchase of item(s) in excess of your transaction limit,
- Second, spreading separate payments for the item(s) in amounts under the permitted per transaction limit,
- over an interval of time. UA’s interval is 7 days.
For example, say a department has a $9,000 monthly available credit limit. If by making a $5000 purchase on the last day of the month, then an additional $5000 purchase on the second day of the next month, we are effectively spreading a $10,000 transaction over two billing cycles, in <7 days.
This is an example of pyramiding an order and is not permitted.
**Restricted/Prohibited Procurement Card Purchases And Activities **
Please contact Purchasing for assistance if you have a need that may not comply with this program.
Certain items from the “Restricted & Prohibited Items List” may be purchased through the ESM on-line ordering system and charged to the University Procurement Card.
Visit the Department of Purchasing website for more information about the ESM on-line ordering system, including the current list of items available through the system.
Advertising |
Legal Notices, Job Advertising, Internet, Publications. University Communications & Marketing must be contacted. |
Alcoholic Beverages |
Except as allowable under The Allowable Entertainment and Other Discretionary Expenses Chart. |
Appliances |
Air Conditioners, Heaters, Refrigerators, Stoves, Ovens, Washer, Dryers, Microwaves, Coffee Pots, Toasters, etc. |
Cash Advances |
Computers, Electronic Communication Devices |
Laptops, Tablets, PC's, iPads, Cell Phones, Two-way Radios, Telecommunication Equip., Printers, Copiers, Faxes, etc. Online University Computer Store must be consulted for all purchases of computer systems, equipment, & software. |
Drugs |
Copiers, Printers |
Contact Printing Services |
Furniture |
All furniture - contact buyer for University contracts |
Gasoline or Fuel |
The University Fleet Fuel Card, is available through The Department of Purchasing and exempt from fuel and gasoline taxes. |
Guns, Weapons, Ammunition or Other Explosive Devices |
Hazardous Chemicals |
Hazardous chemicals are defined as any chemical with the following information on the label: explosive, flammable, oxidizer, corrosive or poison and with either a flammability, health or reactivity designation factor above one (1) (see special notes on Hazardous Chemical purchases below) (2) exemptions may be granted for specific users and departments |
Insurance |
Rental cars, Travel, etc.,- purchase no additional coverage. |
Inter-Departmental Purchases |
Computer Store, DocuZip, etc. |
Leases |
Copiers, Vehicles, Parking Spaces, Storage Space, Printers, Equipment, etc. |
Printing |
For all off-campus printed materials, departments are required to work with University Communications & Marketing for prior approvals |
Purchases that exceed your per transaction limit |
Pyramiding/Splitting Transactions |
In any form described above, or any other attempt to make a transaction outside the parameters of your procurement card. PYRAMIDING IS NOT PERMITTED WITHIN THE PROCUREMENT CARD PROGRAM |
Bio hazardous or Radioactive Materials, Lab Chemicals |
See Hazardous Chemicals above. |
Rentals (except Vehicles - through University Contract) |
Including but not limited to Tools, Tents, Property, Storage, Equipment, Halls, etc. Contact the Purchasing Department if you need an exception to this rule. |
Security Systems |
Including but not limited to Audio Video, Alarms. |
Services |
Including but not limited to: Construction, Professional, Personal, Performance, Lectures, repairs to any equipment on campus property (repairs may be charged to Procurement cards if the repair is done off campus property). |
Services - Catering on Campus |
Contact Dining Services |
Software |
Contact the Computer Store for more information. |
Telephone, Cellular Phones, Pager Equipment & Supplies |
This type of equipment must be purchased through the Department of Telecommunications. There are existing contracts in place. Additionally, purchased devices must be compatible with UA networks. |
Toners, Printer ink |
Contact University Printing Services |
Vehicle Purchases |
The University has existing contracts for better pricing, contact The Department of Purchasing |
Hazardous Chemicals & Bio Hazardous/Radioactive Materials Or Lab Chemicals
Hazardous Chemicals and Bio hazardous/Radioactive Materials, as defined in the Restricted Items List, are restricted from purchase with the P-Card;
Based on the criteria, the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health and Safety, or EOHS, makes the final determination if a chemical or material is considered hazardous and therefore excluded from the Procurement Card Program.
Please note, EOHS needs to be notified of any permitted chemicals purchased using the P-Card.
You are strongly encouraged to consult with either EOHS or the P-Card Program Coordinator prior to purchasing chemicals with your P-Card;
It is important to understand that purchasing restricted chemicals, or the failure to report purchased chemicals to EOHS, may result in immediate suspension of your Procurement Card
Occasionally, mistakes happen and you realize that you need to reimburse the university for a particular transaction made using the Pcard.
- Submit the form and payment to the Cashier’s office for reimbursement of the transaction.
- Scan and upload a copy of the Deposit Form and the receipt number given to you by the cashier’s department, to WORKS as documentation for the reimbursement
Additional Information regarding Departmental Deposits:
Deposits can be submitted daily in Simmons Hall Room 106 depository or in the overnight depository located in the lobby by the front doors of Simmons Hall. Once your deposit has been processed, a receipt will be sent to you by campus mail or email. Please specify on your deposit if you would prefer to receive your receipt by email.
Departmental deposits that include checks are to be deposited within 48 hours from the time of receipt.
Checks should be made payable to "The University of Akron"
Procurement Card Staff
Lori Horton
Procurement Card Manager
Deb Wilhite
Procurement Card Coordinator