Mary Biddinger, English, John Gallaher, editors The Monkey & the Wrench: Essays into Contemporary Poetics, University of Akron Press, 2011. |
T.J. Boisseau, History, Tracy Thomas, editors Feminist Legal History: Essays on Women and Law, NYU Press, 2011. |
Daniel J. Coffey (Political Science), John C. Green (Bliss Institute of Applied Politics), David B. Cohen (Political Science), Stephen C. Brooks (Political Science), editors Buckeye Battleground: Ohio Campaigns, and Elections in the Twenty-First Century, University of Akron Press, 2011. |
Raymond W. Cox III, Public Administration and Urban Studies Public Administration in Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, Longman, 2011.
Julie A. Drew, English Daughter of Providence, Overlook, 2011. |
Lesley J. Gordon, History Americans Remember Their Civil War, Praeger, 2011.
Janet Klein, History The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone, Stanford University Press, 2011. |
Timothy S. Margush*, Computer Science Some Assembly Required: Assembly Language Programming with the AVR Microcontroller, CRC Press, 2011. |
Robert A. McGuire, Economics, and Philip R. P. Coehlo Parasites, Pathogens, and Progress, The MIT Press, 2011 |
Leonard Peacefull, Geology and Environmental Science Cultural Diversity: A Geographic Perspective, Kendall Hunt, 2011. |
Michael Schuldiner, English Contesting Histories: German and Jewish Americans and the Legacy of the Holocaust, Texas Tech University Press, 2011. |
Linda N. Edelstein, Charles A. Waehler, Psychology What Do I Say?: The Therapist's Guide to Answering Client Questions, Wiley, 2011. |
Eric Wasserman, English Celluloid Strangers, Second Wind Publishing, 2011.